- Lulu Zhang, Public Relations.
- Phone: 248.890.9011
- Email: [email protected]
Lulu was born in Jilin, China, and grew up in the United States. She studies at the University of Michigan – Dearborn, where she is majoring in computer science. In addition, she performs well in the fields of economics, business and investment. She is patient, professional, efficient and communicative.
With her sharp business sense, Lulu has participated in many different organizations and is experienced in marketing, customer service, event planning, and advertising. However, her passion for business brings her here.
She believes that real estate is a field that could help a lot of people realize their American Dream. She believes that a real estate agent should have a strategic and forward-looking vision. In her mind, for home buyers, a house should be the seed for a good economic harvest in the future. Lulu pays attention to the details, and she can find the right house for her customer and also think ahead to avoid future problems.
In her spare time, she enjoys experiencing different things such as horseback riding, modeling, fashion designing, and meeting new people. She can provide excellent business service to you and she can also be your interesting friend!
- Language: Chinese mandarin, English.
露露出生在中国吉林,在美国密歇根长大。她是公司中年轻的成员也是最早期员工之一。在公司发展中起了很大的作用。她办事认真, 可靠 ,高效率。组织能力强,有广泛的人脉资源。
露露在进入公司之前已经参与了许多不同的组织,在营销,客户服务,活动策划和广告方面积累了丰富的经验。她曾经负责密歇根大学茉莉舞团对外宣传和业务。把团里的活动推上了世界日报头条。一个偶然的机会把她带到我们公司, 是一个不可多得的团队成员。成功组织了多次房地产讲座和团队活动。她乐于助人,努力工作,在进入公司后协助整个团队为很多客户找到了他们自己心仪的房子。在她看来,房子不仅只是家,更是经济投资的手段。露露奉行“人无远虑 必有近忧“的生活原则,常常建议客户提前思考,以避免未来的问题。
精通语言: 英文, 中文
• Accredited Buyer’s Representative® / ABR®
• Seller Representative Specialist / SRS
• Pricing Strategy Advisor / PSA
• Real Estate Negotiation Expert (RENE)