MEET Limin

- LiminChen Sekine, Realtor
- Phone: 248-880-7216
- Email: [email protected]
A long time Michigan resident with a passion for the community and people around her, Limin chen Sekine brings more than 14 years of marketing experience and a reputation for honesty, trustworthiness and outstanding communication skills to the real estate world.
Limin spent over two decades working and living in Japan, China and the United States. Leveraging her experience and adaptability in global networking as well as her mastery of the three languages; Chinese, Japanese and English, she hopes to bring an equal amount effort and dedication to future clients. Limin is a patient, genuine and committed person, both in her personal life and in that of her client’s real estate journey. She joins the market, in hopes of offering her clients invaluable insight into the lifestyle accompanying each neighborhood as well as the many other facets of their real estate options. Her prior experience in developing and planning will nonetheless be carried over and seen in how she meticulously handles her client affairs. All of which she executes with determined work ethic and an easygoing, amiable style. She hopes to bring an effective yet comforting experience to all her clients.
Limin chen Sekine长期生活在密西根并且深爱和熟悉这里的人文文化和居住环境,拥有超过14年的市场推广工作经验以及她诚实可信赖的为人、良好的沟通能力相信能非常好的为您的房地产事务提供良好的服务。Limin在过去的二十多年来先后在中国、日本、美国学习工作生活,所以她流利熟练的中文,日语,英语;那么多年的不同国家的国际化公司的工作经验使她更深刻的了解不同的文化背景下的人们对房地产不同的需求,所以她更会顾到顾客的需求, 会留意细节,独特的眼光和容易相处的性格会给您提供尽可能多的可选性;能随时给您提供最快捷最及时的社区讯息,让您在您的房地产事业上一帆风顺!
私、Liminchen 関根はミシガンで長く生活し、ミシガンの生活や文化、居住環境をよく理解し、愛しています。私は14年以上のマーケティング経験を持っており、誠実で信頼できる人柄であり、優れたコミュニケーション力もあり、あなたの不動産関係のことに尽力できると思います。私は過去20年に渡り、中国、日本、アメリカで勉強し、仕事、生活をしてきたおかけて中国語、日本語、英語であなたとのコミュニケーションは問題ないと考えております。そして細やかなの所にきを配り、速やかにコミュニティ の情報をご提供できるように努めてまいります。
- Specialized in: residential, leasing.
- Service Area: Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Dextor,Canton, Plymouth, Northville
- Language: Chinese mandarin, English.
• Accredited Buyer’s Representative® / ABR®
• Seller Representative Specialist / SRS
• Pricing Strategy Advisor / PSA
• Real Estate Negotiation Expert (RENE)